Order Date
Production Time
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2 w/days
3 w/days
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6 w/days
7 w/days
8 w/days
9 w/days
10 w/days
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
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Delivery Mode
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Upcoming public holidays (in addition to Sundays):
[Date Format: dd/mm/yyyy]
The delivery date calculation takes into account 1 working day for preparing the print file and mockup approvals. Kindly take our pre-approval if your delivery is Time-Sensitive The above delivery date is only suitable within the ideal situations and may vary if..
1. If the artwork is not ready to print
2. If the artwork is not approved within 24 hours
3. If any technical/stock issue pops up (you will be updated)
4. If the instructions for the artwork are not clear
5. If some products are urgent but others with standard production in the same cart
(In the above cases you will get another delivery date from our designer team -
- once the artworks are approved.)
6. If the shipping address is in a remote area
7. If a miscommunication happens between the shipper and the receiver
8. If the delivery address is changed (service available at extra cost and time)
9. If any other situation pops up which is out of our immediate control
Click the below links to check your delivery zones
1. No-Service Shipping Areas 2. Remote / Infrequent Service Shipping Areas